Brand Hacking with Katt Wagner

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles, Bing Local Ads, and more March 2023 social media and SEO trends

March 09, 2023 Katt Wagner Episode 5

Tune in each week for small business news stories and 2023 social media trends so you know how to stay ahead of the competition.

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles, Bing Local Ads, and more March 2023 social media and SEO trends

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My NewsLetter (LinkedIn):

LinkedIn caught my eye out of all the social media trends this week. I think they are leading the race with all the digital marketing trends centered on AI because they are looking for ways to bring AI and creators together, not into competition. What do you think?

0:00 LinkedIn Tips 2023: How to Use Collaborative Articles
1:28 YouTube reverses profanity policy
2:37 Facebook's Meta Identity Crisis and Generative AI Goals
3:47 Bing Search Launches Local Ads for Paid Strategy
4:30 Bionic Reading Trends on Twitter

Is Bing paid advertising one of your marketing strategies for your small business? What other business growth ideas are on your mind this week?

Tune in for more on the latest digital marketing trends all 2023!

Links and Resources:

LinkedIn Skill Pages List (Will be tied to this page when fully launched, so follow it):

Meta Brand Mission Survey:

Facebook Make-A-Video tool:

Bionic Reading Text Converter:

Canva Pro Free Trial
Try it for 30 days - Create graphics for your new website and use their Magic Write to help you write catch headlines. ChatGPT Templates
Claim 10,000 Words Free with my promo code - Kick the writer's block and get your website copy and content flowing.

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Service & Coaching (Don't see something? Ask! I have services that aren't listed for public booking to help gatekeep my time)

If you're a busy, small professional doing big things, this episode will catch you up to speed. Welcome to Brand Hacking. In this episode, we have some exciting updates from LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Microsoft plus a reading tool that trended last year, but it kind of made its rounds again on Twitter just yesterday. So first, let's start with LinkedIn. LinkedIn had a ton of announcements last week, which you might have seen in my previous newsletter, but this week they've also announced new collaborative articles as a feature. These articles cover a range of professional topics like communications, sales, leadership, and more, and are developed with AI powered conversation starters by LinkedIn's editorial team. Once the initial collaborative article is written, experts within the LinkedIn community are then invited to contribute their own insights and experiences to make the article more complete with firsthand knowledge. Collaborative articles can be viewed through the LinkedIn feed, through notifications as well as on skill pages for specific skill sets like communication, sales, or leadership. Users can also find collaborative articles in online searches and search results. If LinkedIn thinks you're an expert in a certain topic, you might be able to contribute while you're reading the article, which is really cool. Those who are invited to contribute can earn a community top voice badge for the skill. When the feature fully launches. LinkedIn has stated that they'll list all collaborative article pages at one url. You can find that in the description if you're watching or listening to this, and in my LinkedIn newsletter. Next up. You might remember back in November of 2022, YouTube tightened up on its profanity rules. They've walked back on that this week. YouTube's new policy allows moderate and profanity to be used within the first few seconds of a video without risking demonetization for the creator. However, strong profanity in the opening seconds could still result in a video only receiving what YouTube's calling limited ads. The original policy back in November would flag any video that had any rude language in the first couple of seconds of the video and would make that video ineligible for advertising. That included swearing that was in any music or backing tracks as well. That was really frustrating for a lot of collaborators who made sure they expressed their thoughts both on YouTube and.. YouTube has said that it will review videos posted between November and the March 7th reversal to correct any monetization status issues, but it got me thinking. What do you think about companies that seem to change their policies? You know, do you look at that as flexibility on one hand or creating uncertainty on the other, or maybe a little bit of both? Comment what you think. Moving on to. Meta is expanding its artificial intelligence capabilities across its platforms, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and the Facebook platform. You might have heard last month that meta unveiled LLaMA which is capital L, capital L, lowercase a, capital M, capital A. That's their language learning model. Zuckerberg has maintained that he's committed to creating new AI tools to support both users and advertisers on the. These features include AI chat experiences, different image filters, which if you use TikTok at all, you're probably very familiar with the AI generated filters and lenses there and multimodal experiences. The idea is that they can offer users a more personalized experience and give creators new ways to express themselves. All while producing content faster so they can earn more income and users have more to watch and stay on the platform. The more time on platform means more opportunities to show ads to people. According to a survey which will be linked in my LinkedIn newsletter for this episode. A lot of meta employees aren't really sure that they understand the company mission at all or what the Metaverse really even. Moving on to Microsoft, even though we covered a little bit of LinkedIn, which is Microsoft, Microsoft has introduced local search ads, so paid local search ads for Bing. This enables businesses to gain increased visibility in the search engine results instantly. You don't need to wait for SEO juice to catch up. You can just go and create your local business ad, and your placement will be right in the search results. You can start and launch your ads today. What's really cool is that their new local ads feature includes call extension. So there is a tap to call function on mobile devices for instant contact if your business operates through phone contact. Overall, it's a really great opportunity for local businesses looking to boost their online presence and reach more customers, especially if you think your demographic uses Bing. And lastly, I wanna talk about a reading tool that's trending. Again, it's Bionic Reading it was developed to be a faster way of reading, using artificial fixation points to guide the eyes through text so readers can read faster and easier. Words are presented with only a few bolded letters or syllables so the eyes can focus on it, process it quickly, and move on to the rest of the reading material while retaining context. There is a bionic reading web converter that can be used to turn any text into bionic. And developers have been incorporating this option into different apps, like online readers, like ebook readers and so forth. I'll include a link to the text converter in the description here. And because I saw this trend again while browsing Twitter yesterday, but first heard about it a year ago in another viral tweet about it, and I admittedly forgot all about it. It's an accidental reminder that you should always repost good content if it's evergreen. If you want more tips on how I streamline my content production for myself and for clients I work with, I've included five tips in my LinkedIn article for this issue on streamlining your repurposing and content publishing. It was actually an example piece of content that I used to contribute to a collaborative article on LinkedIn. So you'll get to see the whole process of that by looking at my LinkedIn newsletter issue for this week. But that's it for today's episode of Brand Hacking I hope you found all of these updates informative and useful. Stay tuned for more news on social media, marketing and seo. I try to be quick with it to keep you up to date and one of the first to adopt new features and understand how to use them. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast or the YouTube and the newsletter that I publish each week on LinkedIn, which might have more information than gets included in the audio or video versions of these. But anyway, Thanks for listening! And stay tuned for more tips and insights on how to succeed on LinkedIn and Beyond. brand Hacking" is a brand new podcast hosted by Katt Wagner. Katt has helped hundreds of professionals in the music, retail, and real estate space build big brand power with small and simple steps. Be sure to like and subscribe to catch future tips on building an unbeatable brand.

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